During the night, I would like to build all my modules. Since a module might
depend on a change made in another module during that day, I want to deploy
a snapshot version to our server repository. Using the multiproject plugin,
I call the following goals:
maven clean site jar:deploy
This results in my tests being run twice. Is there a way to avoid this?
I already tried this:
maven clean site artifact:deploy
With artifact:deploy defined in my maven.xml like this:
 <goal name="artifact:deploy" description="Chooses the correct deploy goal
depending on the 'maven.multiproject.type' property (Does not do a build!)">
  <j:if test="${context.getVariable('maven.multiproject.type') == 'jar'}">
     <artifact:deploy artifact="${maven.build.dir}/${maven.final.name}.jar"
type="jar" project="${pom}"/>
  <!-- More cases here for other types-->
But this does not work because no jar is created when running the 'site'
I know there is a maven.test.skip property. Is there some way I could set
this before doing <artifact:deploy> and then set it back again afterwards?
any help would be appreciated!

Ing. Wim Deblauwe 
Software Development Engineer 
BarcoView - Medical Imaging Systems 
President Kennedypark 35 
B-8500 Kortrijk, Belgium 
Tel. +32 56 233 985 Fax +32 56 233 457 
www.barco.com <http://www.barco.com/>  

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