Hi all,

I've been trying to assemble an existing zip/rar file using the
maven-assembly-plugin but without success.

Here is the use case:
Project A contains some files, which are packaged in a zip file and
installed. The zip file is available in the local repository.
Project B has a runtime dependency on Project A and assembles the zip file
in another zip file.

Here is the assembly descriptor I am using:

I've been reading the documentation in all directions, looked at the code,
but still have no clue about the root cause.
When looking into
my best guess would be the project.getArtifact() does not return anything.
Unfortunately, there is no debug information at this point.

72 for ( Iterator it = projects.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )  73 {  74
project = (MavenProject) it.next();  75 Artifact artifact =
project.getArtifact();  76
 77 if ( !filter.include( artifact ) )  78 {  79 it.remove();  80 }  81 }
Any help or hints would be greatly appreciated.

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