
[I've done a quick search and haven't seen anything, so I'm hoping someone can 
point me in the right direction.]

I have a need to run some integration tests externally to Maven (under a 
continuous integration environment) . That is, physically run the tests (and 
"system under test") on separate machines (without maven support, for now). 
gotten things to the point where I can get the maven POM to remote deploy and 
execute the tests under junit (during the integration-test phase). Now, 
effectively, what I'd like to do is get the (remote) junit test reports/status 
and "merge" that back into the maven process (presumably during the verify 
phase) back in the CI. My setup, is similar to the following psuedo-POM:

                    <phase> integration-test </phase>
                        <!-- execute script that:
                              - deploys project's artifacts to remote hosts
                              - runs junit on project's integration tests and 
generates reports
                              - copies junit's reports back onto local system 
(e.g. target/failsafe-reports)

Right now, the above setup fails with: (No such file or directory)

I'm hoping someone on the list has already blazed this trail, which would save 
me from searching through the failsafe/surefire plugin codebase.  [The test 
systems aren't under my direct control don't have maven installed there.]


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