MD4J is an extensible J2EE webapp generator. One of the main features is that it allows you to work on your model (in the form of Hibernate mappings) iteratively, providing a complete J2EE application following your model changes. So, each time you edit your model and build your project, MD4J will generate high quality code from JSPs and Struts classes, to Session EJBs and DAOs, allowing you to test CRUD and Search functionality on top of your model right away.

The project allows pluggable generators, with the existing set supporting EJB 2.1, Struts 1.x and JSP 2.0 as output for CRUD and Search operations.

A new snapshot of the core along with a Maven-based project template (md4j-quickstarter) is available for download [1], along with a ten minute tutorial draft at [2]. The source [3] is available under the GPL.




PS: If people in this list could suggest Struts 2 and/or EJB 3 equivalents of the code listings presented in the tutorial, it would be a great step towards the respective generators ;-)

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