Maven question for the community... May be one could post an example?

I am quite new to Maven but have read a few books and articles on it... nobody 
seems to deal with
this architecture:

Say my architecture is a SWING GUI delivered by WebStart using an EJB server 
and passing back and
forth some POJOs.

Say I want to use a multi-project Maven environment, as standard as possible 
(ie I do not want to
fiddle with lots of maven.xml configurations).

Maven says, 1 project -> 1 artifact (jar/war/etc)...

When one develops a swing client to an ejb server, where and how do you give 
the home and remote
interfaces to the Gui env?  How do you generate the appropriate jars for 
distribution (including
the signed WebStart ones)

Say you have the following multi-project env:
  - common
    - project.xml (the maven project bits common to all sub-projects)
  - CORE (jar)
    - project.xml
    - the dao and shared classes (between gui/server)
  - SERVER (ear)
    - project.xml
    - the EJB/server code
  - GUI (jar)
    - project.xml
    - the swing client

And SERVER depends on CORE
And GUI depends on core BUT it should also depends on the home/remote 
interfaces... however those
are part of the SERVER ear?  That is that last bit that I am not sure how to 
organise it within
maven...  How could you 'extract' the home & remote interfaces...  

One option would be to have the home & remote interfaces manually created in 
another sub-project
generating a standard jar and that jar given to the GUI... but this looks very 
messy and would
forbid (unless I am mistaken) the use of automatic tools like doclet.

Any suggestion or pointer?

Could someone post an example of project.xml (s) for such an architecture?

How would you also sign the jars required for WebStart and deploy them?

many thanks in advance,


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