  I have a multi-module project and I want to create a shorter version of the 
build that selectively builds a sub-set of the modules. I am using a maven 
profile for this. So if total I have module  a, b, c, d and e, in a profile I 
have a module list of a, b and c. The module c's pom.xml has a dependency on d 
which I don't want to build, and even if I have to build I do not want to 
execute its Testcases. The optional = true doesn't work and if a dependency 
exclusion in the profile is not working either. So how can I write a profile to 
either skip d and e but still build 'c' or execute Testcases (cucumber 
testcases + Junit) for a, b and c but just compile d and e if I have to. 
Appreciate your help,


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