I am not sure if this is a problem with my usage or a bug, but I seem to be having difficulty with the scm:perform-release goal in both RC1 and RC2. The project has been properly tagged with prepare-release, as I can manually do a "cvs export" and grab all the correct files. Running a perform-release asks all the expected questions, but when it comes time to grab the files, Maven spits out the following messages:

[echo] Checking out macpackage; from CVSROOT: :ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/macpackage; using tag: macpackage_0_5
[mkdir] Created dir: /Users/enigma/Code/java/macpackage/checkouts/macpackage
[cvs] Using cvs passfile: /Users/enigma/.cvspass
[cvs] cvs checkout: in directory macpackage:
[cvs] cvs checkout: cannot open CVS/Entries for reading: No such file or directory
[cvs] cvs [checkout aborted]: cannot open CVS/Tag: No such file or directory

...at which point, it hangs (utilizing no CPU or network resources) and I have to ^C to quit. As I understand it, CVS does not hold any files named "Tag" under its /CVS control folders, so I am not sure why this is being sought after. I am also a little confused as to why it would be using a .cvspass file when I have cvs and maven set up to use ssh and public/private key pairs (other Maven ssh-related operations work, like generating reports for the website). It appears that absolutely nothing gets checked out: the ./target/checkouts/macpackage folder ends up being empty. Am I doing something stupid? Is there a deficiency in the documentation? Should I write this up as a bug?

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