You'll need to add two pieces to your POM to get it to work.

1. Add the webdav extension to the build element. Something like this:


2. Put "dav:" in front of all URLs that you want deployed via WebDAV.
So, instead of "http://webdavserver/folder"; you would use


-----Original Message-----
From: juergen.schumacher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 5:55 AM
Subject: site-deploy and webdav

for site-deploy I would like to use webdav because my webserver running
on windows and I found the ssh rather complicated on windows. On one
post here I found webdav is also supported by the site-deploy plugin.
But how can I set this up in the POM.XML ??
Using http://webdavserver/folder shows an error, using
file:webdavserver/project show a successful build but no files are

Thank you for any help and have a nice day, juergen
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