I have a number of tests identified using the Spring @IfProfileValue flag

@IfProfileValue{"a", "c"}
public void testA{ Do Stuff }

@IfProfileValue{"a", "b"}
public void testB{ Do Stuff }

@IfProfileValue{"a", "b"}
public void testC{ Do Stuff }

public void testD{ Do Stuff }
I can run all the tests using
"mvn clean install -Dtest-group=a -Dtest-group=b"

I want to run only the tests that match @IfProfileValue={"a","b") (Test
B/C) so is there a way to run only an intersection of these two values
using maven?

I saw https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SUREFIRE-809 but wish
https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SUREFIRE-808 had been implemented

Thanks for any help/suggestions you can provide.

*Leo Laskin*
Automation Architect, Spredfast Inc.
E :: llas...@spredfast.com
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