I am new to Maven2, and but am an experienced Ant user.  I am trying to write a 
pom that will do the following:
1.  Export source from CVS repository based on a tag
2.  Compile and package the exported source.

I have 2 problems.
1.  When I export the source from CVS it creates a duplicate folder structure.  
See below...
             <!-- <configuration>



The exported source ends up in target\exported-sources\target\exported-sources. 
 I would expect that it would end up in target/exported-sources.
The working directory indicated at this time is:  Working directory: 
C:\Projects\Maven\cimp-app\target\exported-sources (which is now empty except 
for a new target directory.

2.  What I really want to happen at this point is for the remainder of the 
build to operate on the exported sources, but that is not happening.  I end up 
having to run my mvn package command separately on the pom in the 
target\exported-sources\target\exported-sources.  With ant, I did not have this 
issue, and I think I am stuck in some wrong-thinking about how to use maven2.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Mary Hunt
Technical Lead, Application Development
Enterprise Development Services
Information Technology Services, Yale University
25 Science Park - 4th Floor
New Haven, Connecticut 06511
voice: 203-436-3961
fax: 203-436-4064
web: http://www.yale.edu/its/web/

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