
I'm working on Apache AVRO (Issue 570) and I'm having a maven issue that I
was hoping to get some help with. The pre-existing pom.xml
is using the shade plugin to build a jar which includes all of the
dependencies, unpacked.  The configuration is below.

        <!-- primary artifact is shaded -->


The net result of running the shade plugin is three jars
 1. avro-tools-1.6.0-SNAPSHOT.jar - which includes all of the dependency
jars as well as the classes specific to this project.
 2. original-avro-tools-1.6.0-SNAPSHOT.jar - which doesn't include any
dependency files
 3. avro-tools-1.6.0-SNAPSHOT-nodeps.jar - which seems to be the same
as original-avro-tools-1.6.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.

Now I need to build another jar, avro-tools-1.6.0-SNAPSHOT-job.jar, which
places all the jars on which we depend in the directory "lib"
inside avro-tools-1.6.0-SNAPSHOT-job.jar. avro-tools-1.6.0-SNAPSHOT-job.jar
should also contain the class files for avro-tools.

Because the shaded plugin causes avro-tools-1.6.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to contain
unpacked versions of all dependencies, I set my maven assembly configuration
to use the "nodeps" version of the avro-tools jar.
Unfortunately, this prevents any of the tools code from being included in
the jar built by the assembly plugin.

This is the configuration for my assembly file.



If I remove "nodeps" then the jar built by the assembly plugin ends up
containing unpacked as well as packed versions of the dependencies because
its using

Can anyone tell me how I can leave the shaded plugin configured as is, and
still use the assembly plugin to build   avro-tools-1.6.0-SNAPSHOT-job.jar?


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