I am busy creating an easy Maven2 setup for a 200+ module system, both targeted 
to an easier release and an easier development setup. It is a multi-level 
system, with common modules, service modules and presentation (web-ui) modules. 
I will use a simplification of this setup in this mail:
pres.d -> srv.a -> common
I also created a 'root' pom containing common build instructions and a property 
<ver-release>[9.10,9.11)</ver-release>. The root POM is released as version 
9.10.0. All other modules refer to this versioned root POM as their parent POM.
All modules in a release 9.10 (current release) have 9.10-SNAPSHOT as their 
version. When I create a release, I use the properties releaseVersion and 
developmentVersion to make builds numbered 9.10.0, 9.10.1, ... and then 
fallback to 9.10-SNAPSHOT during development. The dependencies on other 
internal modules are specified using the ver-release property. This means that 
every module depends on the latest released version of its dependencies, e.g.:
pres.d:9.10-SNAPSHOT -> srv.a:9.10.3
srv.a:9.10-SNAPSHOT -> common:9.10.2
Making releases of modules gives me a complete versioned hierarchy since I 
create a module release containing a release-pom.xml with all the version 
ranges resolved to actual version. So far so good if you look at it from a 
release viewpoint.
The problem arises trying to get my development setup in place. Developers 
usually have to change code spanning multiple modules in multiple layers. Let's 
assume that, to implement a certain feature, a developer needs to change 
pres.d, srv.a and common. In such a setup, I would like pres.d:9.10-SNAPSHOT to 
depend on srv.a:9.10-SNAPSHOT, and srv.a:9.10-SNAPSHOT to depend on 
Well, since the indicated version is defined as aproperty, I created an active 
profile in my settings.xml and redeclared the ver-release property in there. 
Now comes the point where I think Maven is failing. Here is the output of "mvn 
dependency:resolve" of pres.d:
[INFO] The following files have been resolved:
[INFO]    be.telenet.test:common:jar:9.10.4:compile
[INFO]    be.telenet.test:srv.a:jar:9.10-SNAPSHOT:compile

The dependency resolution correctly resolved the dependency from pres.d on 
srv.a to 9.10-SNAPSHOT, but it seems to ignore my overridden property and 
resolved the dependency from srv.a on common to the latest resolved version. 
All deployed SNAPSHOT versions of the POMs contain the version property, so I 
would expect this property to resolve to my overridden value for the complete 
dependency chain.
Any comments?


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