I'm new to maven. Trying to use maven 1.0.2 xdoclet:ejbdoclet on some ejb code 
to generate home interfaces and compile them. I'm using fileset in 
project.properties to compile only the files ending with Bean.java, and also 
exclude some of these Bean files. My problem is, maven doesnt seem to use my 
fileset. It just runs ejbdoclet on all files, and complains of errors. I dont 
care about the errors in the other files, but I know the Bean files are error 
free ... the same build runs properly with an ANT script. Below is the fileset 
part -
The error starts like this -
Generating EJB deployment descriptor (ejb-jar.xml).
Error parsing File C:\beans\util\EJBUtils.java:Encountered "<" at line 37, 
column 22.
Was expecting one of:
    <IDENTIFIER> ...
    "[" ...
As you can see, the file EJBUtils.java is being touched when its not supposed 
to be.


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