Get an error when running 'site:deploy' because my
distributionManagement URL goes through my proxy setting for http.  What
I don't understand is that my proxy setting is set up for the http
protocol, and my distributionManagement site URL uses the scp protocol
(same issue if I use the sftp protocol).
The error I get is:
    Cannot connect. Reason: invalid server's version string
The only way I can get around the issue is to remove the proxy setting
in the settings.xml file.  When this is done, my site is deployed (or at
least it attempts to deploy - I get another error because of permission
issues on the server, but that is out of scope).
Obviously, removing my proxy settings for http causes me to not be able
to download plugins and dependencies.  Also, setting 'active' to false
does not seem to work, and setting my server's hostname (both fully
qualified and not) in the 'nonProxyHosts' tag does not seem to work.
Here are the snippets from my xml files:
    <nonProxyHosts>serverhostname, *</nonProxyHosts>
Is this a known/new defect?  If not, any suggestion would be greatly
Thanks in advance,

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