Hi all,

I have a little problem with creating own components, generated with RichFaces CDK.

I wrote a component extending the a4j:commandButton with some more attributes. If I use this component the defined action method is executed when the page is rendered.

To validate the problem I copied the original cdk a4j:commandButton files into my taglib project. I don't change any line of code, so that is still the same commandButton. If I use this copied commandButton in my JSF page, the action is also executed during the page rendering.

Here a part of my JSF page:


<a4j:outputPanel id="addItemControls" rendered="#{invoice.editable}">
        <myLib:commandButton action="#{invoice.initLineItem()}"
reRender="addItemPanel, addItemInput"

                                        style="width: 20px;"/>
I've set up a new project without Trinidad, and the component works as expected: No action is call during the rendering phase.

Do I have to configure Trinidad to use it with own components using some ajax features?

Any suggestions are welcome.


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