
I am using Trinidad 1.2.13 and I encountered an issue with client side
validations. When there are more than one validator attached to one
input field only every second validation is shown. For example with
this input

<tr:inputText label="Your name" id="input1" value="#{bean.name}">
                        <sd:failValidator msg="1" />
                        <sd:failValidator msg="2" />
                        <sd:failValidator msg="3" />

Only message 1 and 3 is shown, 2 is skipped (failValidator is custom
validator which always fails).

I believe that this bug is caused by code in Core.js in function
_validateInline on line 1478 (in current HEAD of repository)

 // Loop through the messages for this input
 for (var j=0; j < messages.length; j = j+2)

Why is loop skipping messages?

Any suggestions are very much appreciated. Thanks!


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