Hi myfaces-users, I sent the following email directly to Gerhard
Petracek and he pointed me to the mailing list, mentioned that there is
usually a short discussion before opening a JIRA ticket.

Gerald Turner <gtur...@unzane.com> writes:

> Hello Gerhard, I apologize in advance if this is inappropriate to
> email you a question directly — I'm having a hard time deciphering
> what sort of support is available to the MyFaces project.
> I have a quick question: Should the ExtVal BV framework be able to
> inspect javax.validation.ConstraintViolation<T> getPropertyPath and
> getRootBean methods and affix the resulting FacesMessage to the
> appropriate clientID?
> I've looked thru the ExtVal source and it seems that this bit if
> detail in ConstraintViolation is discarded.  Should I report this in
> JIRA as a feature request?
> Here's a terse example in case that question didn't make sense:
> Using JSR303 I have a multi-field ConstraintValidator on the
> type/class level of a JPA entity.  The ConstraintValidator emits two
> ConstraintViolations with propertyPath set, one for each field.  The
> JSF page has a globalOnly h:messages and a h:message for each field.
> The violation messages are rendered in the globalOnly component
> (twice) and not rendered to the specific fields.
> § Entity:
>   @WidgetMutuallyExclusiveOptions
>   @Entity
>   class Widget {
>     private boolean option1;
>     private boolean option2;
>   }
> § ConstraintValidator:
>   class WidgetMutuallyExclusiveOptionsValidator
>       implements ConstraintValidator<WidgetMutuallyExclusiveOptions,Widget> {
>     private WidgetMutuallyExclusiveOptions anno;
>     public void initialize(WidgetMutuallyExclusiveOptions anno) {
>       this.anno = anno;
>     }
>     public isValid(Widget widget, ConstraintValidatorContext ctx) {
>       if (widget.isOption1() && widget.isOption2()) {
>         ctx.disableDefaultConstraintViolation();
>         ctx.buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate(anno.message())
>            .setNode("option1");
>            .addConstraintViolation();
>         ctx.buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate(anno.message())
>            .setNode("option2");
>            .addConstraintViolation();
>         return false;
>       }
>       return true;
>     }
>   }
> § Controller Bean:
>   @Named("edit")
>   public WidgetEdit {
>     @BeanValidation(modelValidation=@ModelValidation(isActive=true))
>     private Widget widget;
>     public Widget getWidget() {
>       return widget;
>     }
>     public void save() {
>       …
>     }
>   }
> § Partial JSF:
>   <h:form>
>     <h:messages globalOnly="true"/>
>     <h:panelGrid columns="3">
>       <h:outputLabel value="Option #1" for="opt1"/>
>       <h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="opt1" value="#{edit.widget.option1}"/>
>       <h:message for="opt1"/>
>       <h:outputLabel value="Option #2" for="opt2"/>
>       <h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="opt2" value="#{edit.widget.option2}"/>
>       <h:message for="opt2"/>
>     </h:panelGrid>
>     <h:commandButton value="Submit" actionListener="#{edit.save}"/>
>   </h:form>
> Sorry, can't help myself, one more question: it seems that
> field/method level validations are check in one pass, then type/class
> level validations in a second pass only if the first pass succeeded.
> For instance if I add @Size and @NotNull sorts of validations to the
> Entity in addition to the multi-field @WidgetMutuallyExclusiveOptions,
> I cannot get all the error messages rendered in one response, I have
> to pass the @Size/@NotNull/etc. validations before seeing the
> multi-field validation.  Is there a way of changing that behavior?  It
> could be that ExtVal isn't handling my field validations, perhaps it's
> the native JSF stack getting a crack at JSR303 before ExtVal's turn.
> BTW, I really appreciate ExtVal BV, I've spent the last several days
> trying to debug why JSR303 isn't fully supported by JSF, considered
> writing some glue that clones model objects but my project is getting
> increasingly uglier!  ExtVal does the trick in one maven dependency +
> one annotation on the JSF bean, nice!

Gerald Turner   Email: gtur...@unzane.com   JID: gtur...@unzane.com
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