Re: [Tobago] How to automatically maximize tc:page on initial view of applicaiton? [solved]

2012-09-07 Thread d . o . m . e
Hi all, just for reference: I ended up using the action facet of tc:page, where outcome.jsp would contain the user interface that should be maximized. ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 ? jsp:root xmlns:jsp=; xmlns:f=;

Re: MyFaces CODI within EAR

2012-09-07 Thread Mark Struberg
Sorry Christian, saw your mail only now. You solution makes perfect sense. Didn't know JBoss AS tries to start CDI with not having all the ClassPath in place. I sense some more problems will hit you in this case. What JBossAS version do you use exactly? I would report this issue to the JBoss

Re: MyFaces CODI within EAR

2012-09-07 Thread Christian Beikov
No problem Mark ;) I am using 7.1.0 since 7.1.1 comes with a buggy mojarra version. The class loading things are well documented in the wiki and I also think that this behavior is intended, but anyway, give it a try and report it to them. I would be more happy, if there was a 7.1.2 release

CODI scoped beans @PreDestroy not running after redirect

2012-09-07 Thread oversteer
I have a simple page with a backing bean which redirects (FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().redirect(target)) to an external website when a commandButton is pushed. I notice that when using @ViewAccessScoped or @javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped the predestroy method only runs at

Re: CODI scoped beans @PreDestroy not running after redirect

2012-09-07 Thread Gerhard Petracek
hi brendan, in case of @javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped it looks like javax.faces.event.PreDestroyViewMapEvent doesn't get fired. in case of @ViewAccessScoped it's just not possible by definition to do it autom. (before the session expires) if you redirect to an external page, but you can use

Re: CODI scoped beans @PreDestroy not running after redirect

2012-09-07 Thread oversteer
Gerhard, thanks for the quick response. I tried windowContext#close() and it works fine. I dug up this jira and it looks just like you said with viewscoped, so this is a limitation worth knowing about. Gerhard Petracek wrote: hi brendan,