The Enterprise Java Newscast, hosted by Kito D. Mann, Ian Hlavats, and
Daniel Hinojosa, is a monthly podcast that covers the latest headlines in
the world of enterprise software development.

In this episode, Kito, Danno, and Ian discuss all things Java, Java EE, and
JavaOne with special guest JavaOne Rockstar and Java Guardian Reza Rahaman.
They also discuss Microprofile, Angular 5, and more.

Unfortunately, the video for this podcast was truncated about 1/2 way
through the podcast, but if still want to watch it, it is available on

Listen to the podcast here:


Kito D. Mann | @kito99 | Java Champion | LinkedIn
Expert training and consulting: PrimeFaces, PrimeNG, JSF, Java EE, Polymer,
Web Components, Angular
Virtua, Inc. | | @jsfcentral
+1 203-998-0403 <(203)%20998-0403>

* Listen to the Enterprise Java Newscast:

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