
I know there is a lot of discussions and suggestions about timeout
handling, but none matches my need quite.

We have a JSF project, which among other things has a certain chain of
form pages. That is : user clicks a link and gets to the first form.
There he fills in some data and clicks on the submit button and (if no
validation error occur) gets another form page. There he enters some
other data, clicks submit and so on, for about 5 pages.

The problem is that if at one step he waits too long and the session
expires, our code does not detect it and fails.

The form data on all pages is saved to a session scoped managed bean.
The commandLink action is a method of that bean (different method for
each page submit). Later steps use data submitted in previous steps
and there it fails if the session times out and the server creates a
new session and a new bean (which lacks the data from previously
submitted pages).

One way to solve it is to have a check in each method of the bean, but
that is a lot of code. Duplicated code for that. Besides the action
method there are also a lot of getter methods that are called from the
JSF page that also depend on data set by previous pages.

Other way is to use a filter or a phase-listener(see [1] and [2]). It
seems better and simpler, but it would require some (hardcoded?) list
of pages that should be checked (as opposed to other pages that do not
care about session).

There is also the ViewExpiredException, but apparently that does not
work with STATE_SAVING_METHOD set to 'client' and that is how our
project is set up.

Oh, we use JSF 1.2 (Sun implementation jsf-api-1.2_04-b01-RC1.jar) and
also a bit of tomahawk12-1.1.8.jar (for uploading files).

I posted this question on Suns forum [3] but got answer in a different
direction (client side scripts etc...)

So to reiterate: What I'm looking for is a way to configure things so,
that when the user clicks the form submit link, the following check
will be done:
 if (session_is_timed_out)
   redirect_to_a _session_timeeout_page

Extending the duration of the session is not what this topic is about.
(after all, that is not hard, just put a very large timeout value into

Many thanks for any help,
David (Sun SWCD/SCJP, but very new to JSF)

[2] http://jsweetland.livejournal.com/3229.html
[3] http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5411023

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