Re: SelectItem and Hibernate

2005-06-29 Thread Lorenzo Sicilia
steve rock wrote: There are 2 ways to solve this. 1. specify eager fetching in your HQL. Return all the fields you need in the first request. Once the object becomes detached from the db in the second request, it will not execute any sql to fetch any non-loaded fields due to lazy loading. .

Re: SelectItem and Hibernate

2005-06-28 Thread Lorenzo Sicilia
Rashmi Kumari wrote: I think writing the getRoles method in this way will help. many, many thanks Rashmi and Bruno :) OK, I understand but when I close hibernate session? I can leave session open and Hibernate close it? Regards Lorenzo

SelectItem and Hibernate

2005-06-28 Thread Lorenzo Sicilia
Hi to all, I do some tests with myfaces and hibernate. I got some problems about this snippet: my userForm.roles get his data from an Hibernate session. ... public List getRoles() { List roles = null; System.out.println("userForm.getRoles");

Re: java studio creator and myfaces

2005-06-14 Thread Lorenzo Sicilia
Jonas Jacobi wrote: I wrote an article on the same topic for FTPOnline (JavaPro) that talks about the issues and what is going on to address this. I read now your answer. Many thank, good article ;) regards lorenzo

Re: java studio creator and myfaces

2005-05-30 Thread Lorenzo Sicilia
Lorenzo Sicilia wrote: Werner Punz wrote: Blame it to the missing standadization on how the components deliver the information which is needed to render them in RAD tools. It's a true problem. (There is a standardization underway however) in jsf 1.2? I found the answer here;

Re: java studio creator and myfaces

2005-05-30 Thread Lorenzo Sicilia
Werner Punz wrote: Blame it to the missing standadization on how the components deliver the information which is needed to render them in RAD tools. It's a true problem. (There is a standardization underway however) in jsf 1.2? regards Lorenzo

Re: java studio creator and myfaces

2005-05-27 Thread Lorenzo Sicilia
Craig McClanahan wrote: One of my developers on the Sun Java Studio Creator team, Edwin Goei, has collected a set of information needed by third party component libraries for successful import into Creator. There are issues to pay attention to with both the components themselves and with how the

java studio creator and myfaces

2005-05-27 Thread Lorenzo Sicilia
Hi to all, it's possible to import myfaces in java studio creator? In jsc exists "Added Components" feauture but when I try to import myfaces.jar i get this output: debug: rave-install=../.. component-jar=/home/lorenzo/.Creator/1_0/components/jars/myfaces.jar component-jar-url=/home/lorenzo/.C

Re: myfaces resultset e mysql[more info]

2005-05-23 Thread Lorenzo Sicilia
alex wrote: Lorenzo Sicilia wrote: Can I do this task with hibernate, too? Although I've never worked with hibernate, I think you can. A friend of mine did so. Depends on the design of your application :) ok, I will try :) many thanks for usefull the answers regards Lorenzo

Re: myfaces resultset e mysql[more info]

2005-05-23 Thread Lorenzo Sicilia
alex wrote: you could either use jdbc or jdo. With jdbc you would have to iterate over the resultset, create an object and put this in a list and then return the list. ok, I understand. JDO returns a collection instead of a resultset. I use JDO at the moment. Maybe have a look at

Re: myfaces resultset e mysql[more info]

2005-05-23 Thread Lorenzo Sicilia
Sylvain Vieujot wrote: I think it may have something to do with the ResultSetDataModel class not being implemented yet : thanks Sylvain for the answer. Anyway if I need get some dat

Re: myfaces resultset e mysql

2005-05-23 Thread Lorenzo Sicilia
alex wrote: Lorenzo Sicilia wrote: I get an error about division by zero. Hi Lorenzo, you have to set the rows-attribute in the x:dataTable, so that the table knows, how much rows to display for every scrolled page. If the rows are not set, you get the above described error

Re: myfaces resultset e mysql[more info]

2005-05-23 Thread Lorenzo Sicilia
sorry , it's monday. :) I forget some info: - I get the error about division by zero if I use jstl recordset. - I tried with result too but in my x:dataTable I can see any result. my faces-config.xml: userComunity table userComunity it.kemen.jsf.UserComunity request my test class: package it.

myfaces resultset e mysql

2005-05-23 Thread Lorenzo Sicilia
Hi to all, I am a newbie (sorry :)). I spend two days to learn something about jsf and myfaces component. I have some problem with resultset object and dataTable with dataScroller. I get an error about division by zero. May be mysql driver problem? Many thanks in advance regards Lorenzo