Alex N. <a.nitzschke <at>> writes:

> Hi,
> I've a problem with frames, the component tree and server side state saving.
> The frameset contains a tree frame (with a tree2 component ) and a data
> frame.
> After several actions in the data frame, the NUMBER_OF_VIEWS_IN_SESSION is
> reached and after that a click on a command link in the tree frame fails (
> the action method of the link of the tree item ist not called ).
> I think that myfaces can't find the view-id of the tree in the component
> tree and is not able to execute the action.
> I experienced with the context-param NUMBER_OF_VIEWS_IN_SESSION.
> If I set it to a low value, the error occures very early.
> If I set it to a high value the error occures after a long time clicking
> arround.
> What can I do to solve this problem?
> I read some things about ViewController's, but I'm not sure what is the
> right thing to do in this situation.
> Thanks, for your help :)


this is my second question. 
I have the same problem with frames, component tree and server side saving.

I also experienced with context-param NUMBER_OF_VIEWS_IN_SESSION with the same 

Have you solve the problem?


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