First I´m using a SNAPSHOT from last Thursday. Don't know if sths broken
there. MAybe this is just stupid but I hope someone can show me out. I have a
selectOne menu declared like:
<h:selectOneMenu id="${_id}" value="#{entity[field]}" required="${required}"

onchange="#{onchange}" styleClass="editable" immediate="${immediate}">


which I use in a facelets Tag named selectFieldEntity. I use this tag with 

<a:selectFieldEntity readonly="false" label="#{messages.oetyp}"
required="true" entity="${dienststelle}" field="oeTyp"

valueChangeListener="#{action.oetypSelectionChanged}" immediate="true"

selectItems="${action.OETypen}" itemlabel="#{element.langBezeichnung}" />

but the immediate seems to be ignored as validation occurs on other fields in
the form (which is not wanted when the selction changes)

I saw this in many examples and I have no idea what the heck Im doing wrong ?

Thanks for your advice


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