Hello, I have a problem with a set of radio buttons using it
in a datatable: <t:dataTable
value="#{BackingBean.dataList}" var="dataItem" > <t:column> <f:facet
name="header"> </f:facet> <h:selectOneRadio
id="radioList"> <f:selectItem
value="#{dataItem.id}" /> </h:selectOneRadio> </t:column> <t:column> <f:facet
name="header"> <h:outputText
value="Description" /> </f:facet> <h:outputText
value="#{dataItem.description}" /> </t:column> </t:dataTable> I have a datatable (MyFaces Tomahawk) where I need one
radio button for each row. My Problem is that I can't make a set out of the
radio buttons, so that the user can select only one item, because there is no
attribute 'name' for the radio buttons, like in HTML. The code example above
allows the user to select more than just one radio button. So my question is:
How can I build a set of radio buttons where every radio button represents one
row of the datatable? Thank you, Jan |
- A problem with radio buttons in datatables Wetterau, Jan
- RE: A problem with radio buttons in datatables Robert Locklear
- RE: A problem with radio buttons in datatables Robert Locklear