Re: tomahawk - treeCheckbox renderer

2008-10-20 Thread cham
Hello Nikita, I am new to JSF. I am trying to use tomahwak t:treeCheckboxtag. Can you give or point to a detailed example / steps how to use t:treeCheckbox component. Thanks, Cham Nikita Koselev-2 wrote: > > I don't have such a class as AbstractHtmlTreeCheckbox. I'm

Re: Tree2 selectbooleancheckboxes hint

2008-10-20 Thread cham
Hello Robert, I am new to JSF. I am trying to use tomahwak t:treeCheckboxtag. Can you give or point to a detailed example / steps how to use t:treeCheckbox component. Thanks, Cham RRobertMM wrote: > > Hello, > > Because I had a big struggle for two days with the tree2 c