about an infinite loop

2007-10-11 Thread logancillo
Hello to all, I am taking a demo with MyFaces 1.1.4, spring 2.0.6 and shale tiles 1.0.4. The problem is that on having deploied the war, an infinite loop appears! If someone me could help to understanding that`s happening, i would be very happy. stack trace: at

myfaces, tiles NullPointerException

2007-10-10 Thread logancillo
I am doing a demo that it uses myfaces, spring and i wanted to construct the user's interfaz with tiles or with something similar. I use the netbeans 5.5 with myfaces-api and myfaces-impl 1.1.4, tomahawk and tomahawk-sandbox 1.1.6 and struts 1.1. I have followed(continued) the instructions of

about jsf and tiles

2007-10-09 Thread logancillo
Good days , i`m using myfaces 1.1.4 with spring and tiles. the following exception is happening: javax.faces.FacesException at de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.RenderResponsePhase.executePhase(RenderResponsePhase.java:53) at

s:xmlTemplate / tag not recognized!

2007-10-04 Thread logancillo
Good evenings, I want to use the etiquette s:xmlTemplate / defined in the uri % taglib uri = http: // myfaces.apache.org/sandbox prefix = s % For it I have in my /WEB-INF/lib directory of the generated war the following jar: Tomahawk - sandbox-1.1.6 553KB tomahawk - 1.1.6 2873KB The

Re: s:xmlTemplate / tag not recognized!

2007-10-04 Thread logancillo
Ok, finally I have achieved that the tag was recognized . It is necessary to put it in the directory lib of the installation of the tomcat in order that it could use in time of execution. Now giving the following exception to this me: javax.servlet.ServletException: Exception in JSP:

Re: s:xmlTemplate / tag not recognized!

2007-10-04 Thread logancillo
fixed! s:xmlTemplate rendered=true content=#{yellProxy.xml} stylesheet=#{yellProxy.xsl}/ logancillo wrote: Good evenings, I want to use the etiquette s:xmlTemplate / defined in the uri % taglib uri = http: // myfaces.apache.org/sandbox prefix = s % For it I have in my /WEB-INF


2007-09-25 Thread logancillo
hi everybody, im newbee on jsf, first at all, im trying to integrate JSF 1.1.4 and SPRING 2.0.6, so that it is spring's container the one that manages JSF's bean proxy. it fails when i submit a commandbutton. index.jsp %@ taglib uri=http://java.sun.com/jsf/html; prefix=h % %@ taglib

javax.servlet.ServletException: Error calling action method of component with id

2007-09-24 Thread logancillo
hi list, i`m newbee with jsf, it gives me this exception: javax.servlet.ServletException: Error calling action method of component with id formulario:boton javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(FacesServlet.java:152)