Incompatible object argument for function call error in myFaces1.1.3

2006-07-06 Thread sumanta
gument for function call javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service( org.apache.myfaces.webapp.filter.ExtensionsFilter.doFilter( Can anyone please help me out of this? Sumanta -- View this message in context:

can JSF schema be kept locally?

2006-06-27 Thread sumanta
My JSF pages with lots of myfaces components is not running. Tomcat server is not starting. The problem was not there when I had a good speed internet, but now the speed of my internet is quite slow and now the server is not getting up at all. Do any of you know any solution? -- View this message

Re: t:popup not rendered correctly in IE

2006-06-19 Thread sumanta
JavaScript code is also not working good, please let me know any kind of tomahawk solution. Sumanta -- View this message in context: Sent from the MyFaces - Users forum at

Re: t:popup not rendered correctly in IE

2006-06-19 Thread sumanta
or present using JavaScript, but it would be better if we could have done it using myFaces. If you know anyting else please let me know. Thanks again.. sumanta -- View this message in context: Sent from the MyFaces - U

Re: t:popup not rendered correctly in IE

2006-06-19 Thread sumanta
Hi, Thanks Andrew for you quick response. I have added the JS code in the body. But now no popup is being shown in IE. I am using IE6. What should I do. I dont have anything like select boxes, so I dont have that problem you mentioned. I just want to see a flat popup being shown. Thanks, Sumanta

t:popup not rendered correctly in IE

2006-06-19 Thread sumanta
which is within a tag. Without Div it works fine. Can anyone tell me how the correct this problem? Please, its urgent. (A screen shot is included of the erraneous popup ) Sumanta -- View this message in context:

Re: thanks

2006-06-08 Thread sumanta
Thanks, I got the war. Thanks to everybody. -- View this message in context: Sent from the MyFaces - Users forum at

Anything for tobago like "Simple" for tomahawk

2006-06-07 Thread sumanta
Can anyone please provide me with the location of the war file that contains the demo of tobago components? I want to run it locally, that is like "simple" of tomahawk. Thanks -- View this message in context:

Re: tobago examples

2006-06-07 Thread sumanta
Can anyone please provide me with a link from where I can download a war file of the tobago demo-example. Is there anyting for tobago like simple for tomahawk?? -- View this message in context: Sent from the MyFaces - Users forum at Nabb