The Apache MyFaces team is pleased to announce the release of MyFaces
Core 2.2.1.

MyFaces Core is a JavaServer(tm) Faces 2.2 implementation as specified
by JSR-344.

The artifacts passed the TCK test of Feb 2013 (

MyFaces Core 2.2.1 is available in both binary and source distributions.


MyFaces Core is also available in the central Maven repository under
Group ID "org.apache.myfaces.core".

Release Notes - MyFaces Core - Version 2.2.1


    [MYFACES-3845] - Invalid modification of
facesConfig.getFacesFlowDefinitions() collection when implicit flow
definition is derived
    [MYFACES-3847] - HtmlStylesheetRenderer doesn't ignore additional
link parameters when checking for the resource
    [MYFACES-3850] - html EL expression inside markup enables escape
on static text in facelets jspx mode
    [MYFACES-3853] - ui:include not working inside c:forEach
    [MYFACES-3854] - oam-compress-spaces remove carriage return / line
feed in CDATA sections
    [MYFACES-3857] - Unbalanced pushComponentToEL/popComponentFromEL
in processUpdates
    [MYFACES-3858] - Faces Flow startNode is not defined by default
for xml non empty files ending with -flow.xml
    [MYFACES-3859] - Allow use the flowId as a nodeId inside the same flow
    [MYFACES-3860] - UIViewRoot.restoreViewScopeState(...) is not
being called from DefaultFaceletsStateManagementStrategy
    [MYFACES-3861] - impl-test module using unpack plugin does not
allow generate site


    [MYFACES-3846] - Implement temporal resourcehandler cache for JSF
2.2 contracts
    [MYFACES-3862] - Set mock InitialContextFactory for junit testing
with myfaces impl test


Leonardo Uribe

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