Personally, I have a project with myfaces richfaces 3.3.3 and 1.2.10 and
had to use the component of the Trinidad - TreeTable (1.2.14). I made the
configurations recommended in oficiall page, including the declaration in
faces-config that promotes change in the Reder-kit-default for the trinidad

>             <default-render-kit-id>
>                      org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core
>             </ Default-render-kit-id>
>     </ Application>

After configuration, everything seems ok in application, rendering all
components normally but I noticed a problem in the operation of performing
an action <h:commandLink>  actionListener, shown below:

    <h:commandLink actionListener = "# {abastecimentoBean.imprimir}"
                                 value = "" id = "buttonVisualizar">
             <f:attribute name="idabastecimento" value="#{}" />
             <h:graphicImage value="/img/pdf.png" width="20" height="20"
style="border:none;" rendered="#{var.status ne'Cancelado'}"/>

Simply clicking on the link, nothing happens. Checking the html rendered, I
see there really was not any event to be submit. Below is the code rendered
after the application of render-kit-default trinidad.

    <a id = "form:list:1:buttonVisualizar"
         class = "OraLink"
         name = "form:list:1:buttonVisualizar"
         href = "#">
                         <img height="20" width="20"
src="/SIN-field/img/pdf.png" style="border:none;">

Now see the code below does not declare rendered when the
render-kit-default application being that of Trinidad:

    <a id = "form:list:1:buttonVisualizar"
         href = "#"
         onclick = "return oamSubmitForm ('form',
form:list:1:buttonVisualizar ')">
                        <img height="20" width="20"
src="/SIN-field/img/pdf.png" style="border:none;">

 Notice that this yes, the call has the function of the click, that is, as
has been rendered by their should Renderer.

Does anyone have any solution?? It seems a bug in trinidad! I have to
specify a different renderer for a particular component?? I tried other
set-kit renders the faces-config and yet he is not taken into consideration.

JSF APIs used:

richfaces 3.3.3
myfaces 1.2.10
trinidad 1.2.14

Luiz Sergio Viana

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