I am pleased to announce a new article fromGerhard Petracek -

Metadata based validation for JavaServer Faces - Part 4. In the fourth
installment of this series on MyFaces ExtVal, Gerhard Petracek explains
some concepts provided by the Core of ExtVal that allow you to integrate
custom concepts easily.

 Here is an excerpt:

An important part of validation in a UI is the result displayed in case of
a detected violation. ExtVal provides a pluggable mechanism that lets you
provide a MessageResolver class per constraint via convention or dependency
injection. It's also possible to use a default MessageResolver per
validation module and many other possibilities. A MessageResolver takes
a String as well as a Locale and transforms it to a localized message.
Basically ExtVal provides an easy to use infrastructure for message
resolving. Since there are a lot of different possibilities, and ExtVal
will support you with using or integrating your preferred concept of
message resolving, we won't take a close look at any particular approach
here. There are several
illustrate some of the available approaches.

Read the Full Article here:



Kito D. Mann | twitter: kito99 | Author, JSF in Action
Virtua, Inc. | http://www.virtua.com | JSF/Java EE training and consulting
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