Hello Simon,

Your approach is to give the Element in the backing bean the value, like this:

The bean has the List with the Wrapped Items and one of the items you want to 
set with the List in it:

private List<SelectItem> indexTypesForSuche;
private GeVoSuchtyp selectedIndexType;

public List<SelectItem> getIndexTypesForSuche() {
        return indexTypesForSuche;

public GeVoSuchtyp getSelectedIndexType() {
        return selectedIndexType;
public void setSelectedIndexType(GeVoSuchtyp pSelectedIndexType) {
        selectedIndexType = pSelectedIndexType;

Then, I would preselect the Object with a value from the List in the 

public DokumentSuchenBean()  {

        indexTypesForSuche = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
 for (Iterator<GeVoSuchtyp> iterator =          
iterator.hasNext();) {
                GeVoSuchtyp lSuchtyp = iterator.next();
                indexTypesForSuche.add(new SelectItem(lSuchtyp, lSuchtyp        
                        .toString(), lSuchtyp.toString(), false));

if(setSelectedIndexType.size>0) {


The jspx would look like this:

<tr:selectOneChoice value="#{DokumentSuchenBean.selectedIndexType}" >
    <f:selectItems value="#{DokumentSuchenBean.indexTypesForSuche}"/>

Mit freundlichen Grüßen 


Tobias Eisenträger



Dokumentenmanagement/Workflow/Internet, AKB 8125 


ARAG Platz 1, 40472 Düsseldorf

Tel.: +49 (0)211 964-1937




Gerd Peskes


Dr. Paul-Otto Faßbender (Vors.),

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Sitz und Registergericht:

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> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: schneidc [mailto:simon.w...@gmx.de]
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2010 16:20
> An: users@myfaces.apache.org
> Betreff: [TRINIDAD] SelectOneChoice preselection possible?
> Hi,
> at first I was using the default JSF 1.2 ComboBox (selectOneMenu) but then
> switchted to the Trinidad equivalent (selectOneChoice) to get Ajax
> functionality.
> So far it's working fine, the only thing bothering me in comparison to the
> selectOneMenu is, that the default selection is an empty element but I'd
> like to have the first element of the bound list of SelectItems to be
> preselected.
> I tried it via setting the value of the selectOneChoice to the first
> element
> of the list in the constructor of the bean, but that didn't work.
> So is it even possible to make a preselection? And if so, how to achieve
> it?
> Cheers
> Simon
> --
> View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/-TRINIDAD--
> SelectOneChoice-preselection-possible--tp27714456p27714456.html
> Sent from the MyFaces - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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