
is there a http download available?

Under http://myfaces.apache.org/download.html the test project is missing.


----- Original Nachricht ----
Von:     Leonardo Uribe <lu4...@gmail.com>
An:      MyFaces Development <d...@myfaces.apache.org>, MyFaces Discussion 
Datum:   06.09.2010 05:40
Betreff: [ANNOUNCE] MyFaces Test v1.0.0 Release

> The Apache MyFaces team is pleased to announce the release of MyFaces Test
> 1.0.0.
> The Myfaces Test Framework provides mock object libraries, plus base
> classes
> for creating your own JUnit TestCases for JSF.
> For more information please see: http://myfaces.apache.org/test
> MyFaces Core is available in the central Maven repository under Group ID
> "org.apache.myfaces.test".
> Release Notes - MyFaces Test - Version 1.0.0
> Bug
>     * [MYFACESTEST-23] - ConfigParser should use Class.forName to load
> classes
> Improvement
>     * [MYFACESTEST-11] - Update ConfigParser to jsf 2
>     * [MYFACESTEST-20] - Support for composite value expressions like 'test
> #{foo}'
>     * [MYFACESTEST-21] - Update AbstractAttributeMap and replace
> MockScopeMap with _ScopeMap
>     * [MYFACESTEST-24] - Include MockPartialViewContextFactory and
> MockVisitContextFactory by default on all test suites for myfaces-test20
> New Feature
>     * [MYFACESTEST-15] - Add new MockResponseStateManager
>     * [MYFACESTEST-19] - JUnit4 Runner that runs each Test method in a
> seperate classloader
> Task
>     * [MYFACESTEST-10] - Create a site for this project in
> myfaces.apache.org and publish it
>     * [MYFACESTEST-12] - Update AbstractJsfTestCase to jsf 2
>     * [MYFACESTEST-13] - MockResource must implement all its methods
>     * [MYFACESTEST-14] - Update myfaces-test to use JUnit 4.x
>     * [MYFACESTEST-16] - Update license and notice for myfaces test
>     * [MYFACESTEST-17] - Update MockExternalContext so it delegate to mock
> request and response objects and add new methods present on facelets mocks
>     * [MYFACESTEST-18] - Include in AbstractJsfTestCase and
> AbstractJmockTestCase protected methods for setup elements and allow better
> customization
>     * [MYFACESTEST-22] - MockVisitContextFactory should behave like the
> myfaces core VisitContextFactoryImpl
> regards,
> Leonardo Uribe

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