Hi All,

I have a strange Problem with the dataTable Component.

I have a facelets side with nested dataTable. In the first Table I have a
commandLink which sets a editable attribute to true. Then the table renders
inputText Fields. Beyond the row is a new dataTable which renders also
inputText Fields if the link is clicked.

Also if the data in the bean is changed nothing happend in the dataTable but
in all other components on the side.

My actual solution is an redirect on the page. But than I start at every
time at the beginning of the side. That' s noch good, if the side contains a
big table with many rows and you work in the lower third of the table.

So my question is, if it is possible to force an update of the dataTable
without redirect or if I have to do this, if it's possible to set the focus
point to the clicked row.

Hope someone has a solution for me.


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