Hi all

Am having an issue regarding the frame that opens for jenia popup. I have different sized popups to be called on the same jsp page. But if i open an bigger size popup and then open a smaller sized popup, then the popup opens of bigger size that was opened earlier. However on refresh of page if i then call samller popup first then the samll popup is opened of appropriate size.

Has anyone come across such issue..? Any workaround for this ..? Or is it some broken link ?

My jsp page is somthn as below :

<h:form id="ex_bar">
<t:panelGrid columns="3" styleClass="explorerBar" width="100%"
    cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" visibleOnUserRole="#{authorization.roleNames}">
    <jp:popupFrame rendered="#{explorerActions.addEnabled}" scrolling="no" height="100px" width="350px" actionOpen="#{explorerActions.addNode}" center="true">
        <h:commandButton id="addNode"   styleClass="normalbutton"
            value="Add Node"
    <jp:popupFrame rendered="#{explorerActions.addLeafEnabled}" scrolling="no" height="150px" width="350px" actionOpen="#{explorerActions.addLeaf}" center="true">
        <h:commandButton id="addLeaf"  styleClass="normalbutton"
        value="Add Leaf"
    <jp:popupFrame scrolling="no" rendered="#{explorerActions.editable}" height="100px" width="350px" actionOpen="#{explorerActions.renameNode}" center="true" >
        <h:commandButton id="Rename"  styleClass="normalbutton" value="Rename"
    <jp:popupFrame rendered="#{explorerActions.movable}" height="310px" width="350px" actionOpen="#{explorerActions.moveNode}" center="true">
        <h:commandButton id="move"  styleClass="normalbutton" value="Move"


Here if button named 'Move' is clicked it opens an popup, and dan if button named 'Rename' is called the opoup of size 'Move' is only opened.
Any idea regarding this..?

Any help would be appreciated.


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