I would like to use the fileinput tag to save a file on the server until
such a time it is deposited into another system.  The user has the option of
depositing the file now, or at a later date.  I also need to save the path
of the file into a field so that it can be persisted to the database.  This
is so that when the user does eventually decide to deposit the file into the
other system, I can get a reference to the  actual File object on the
server.  The API for the other system requires a File object for import. 

I have succeeded in uploading files but the file is saved as
upload_000000.tmp.  The UploadedFile class has a getName method so I can get
the name of the file as uploaded but I cannot get the path on the server.

I can't find much reference for the tag except the myfaces examples any help
on how to use this would be appreciated.


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