Sorry I cannot help now, I am relocating to the UK. Sending the mails
to the list directly is more useful :)

Best regards,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bende Bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Feb 28, 2006 6:06 PM
Subject: MYFaces BUG-669

I've been struggling with this bug in a current application I am
working on. I read the bug report on JIRA and this morning I
downloaded the latest nightly build of my faces (1.1.2) and I am still
getting the error message "Value is not a valid option" when
submitting a page with a selectOneMenu and a custom converter.

I am developing using the Eclipse IDE and I've spent a good deal of
time tracing through code with the debugger. Not once do I see the
getAsString method of my converter getting called with a String, it
gets called everytime with my custom object type. Then on submit it
calls getAsObject type and gets the correct String and correctly
returns the custom object type.

Is there a chance this bug still exists in the newest build, or am I
missing something ?

Any help would be appreciated.


Bryan Bende

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