Re: How can you update other UI components on change of another UI component (non-ajax)?

2006-11-03 Thread Gerald Müllan
Hi, in case of the selectOneMenu there is a very nice solution in sandbox, which works perfectly. Have a look at the examples-page: regards, Gerald On 11/3/06, Stephen Osella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: One thing I noti

Re: How can you update other UI components on change of another UI component (non-ajax)?

2006-11-02 Thread Stephen Osella
 One thing I noticed is that the backing bean's value method for var2 (whose value is set in var1ValueChangeListener) is not being called when re-rendering the page.  That is, to set the selected item of the SessionBean.var2Items() .  I have tried this with and without immediate="true".   How

Re: How can you update other UI components on change of another UI component (non-ajax)?

2006-11-02 Thread Stephen Osella
Cagatay, Here is the ValueChangeListener: public void var1ValueChangeListener(ValueChangeEvent e) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); this.var1 = (Integer) e.getNewValue(); valueChanged(); context.renderResponse(); } In the valueChanged() method is where I s

Re: How can you update other UI components on change of another UI component (non-ajax)?

2006-11-02 Thread Cagatay Civici
Yes, it's possible.Can you post your var1ValueChangeListener, value change listeners are a bit tricky at first.Also are there any validation errors?CagatayOn 11/3/06, Stephen Osella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I need to change a setting on one or more UI components (e.g., menus) basedon the user se

How can you update other UI components on change of another UI component (non-ajax)?

2006-11-02 Thread Stephen Osella
I need to change a setting on one or more UI components (e.g., menus) based on the user selecting a different value on another menu. I have these menu UI components in a form that does not contain an command buttons or links. Here is an example: onchange="submit( );" valueChangeListener="#