From a jsp-page I have an outputLink which creates a popup like this:
    value="displayData.faces?docId=#{doc.docId}&sessionFactoryName=#{doc.sessionFactoryName}" >
    <h:outputText value="#{messages.docMetadata}" />
I set the params in my bean through faces-config:
This works, the setters of my bean are run whith the correct params and the popup is rendered with the correct information. :)
But, then I have a commandLink within my popup-page which should execute an action on submit. Since my bean is in the request scope, I try to re-submit the params to the popup-page itself by doing somethin like this:

    <h:inputHidden id="doctId" value="#{param['documentId']}" />
    <h:inputHidden id="sessionFactoryName" value="#{param['sessionFactoryName']}" />
If I check the link that is to be submitted by hovering my commandLink, it seems correct:
But when I press the link, the setters of my bean are feeded with null-values..
Anybody knows how to do this or what might be the problem?

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