RE: How to use inputSuggest(Ajax)

2007-01-17 Thread Beelen, Marco
januari 2007 13:57 To: MyFaces Discussion Subject: Re: How to use inputSuggest(Ajax) Hi, you can find any information about inputSuggestAjax on the corresponding wiki site: You should use this component if you need something like autoSuggest

Re: How to use inputSuggest(Ajax)

2007-01-17 Thread Gerald Müllan
Hi, i have implemented a few weeks ago, a value/label pair approach as an addition to the component. You can find the behaviour on the wiki site under the topic "Advanced Usage". I think this will meet your requirements in a more adequate way. cheers, Gerald On 1/17/07, Gerald Müllan <[EMAIL

Re: How to use inputSuggest(Ajax)

2007-01-17 Thread Gerald Müllan
Hi, you can find any information about inputSuggestAjax on the corresponding wiki site: You should use this component if you need something like autoSuggest functionality. The typed string into the input is passed to the suggestedItems method. It

How to use inputSuggest(Ajax)

2007-01-16 Thread Beelen, Marco
Hello, I would like to use some inputSuggest functionality in my application, but can't get the inputSuggest or inputSuggestAjax component working properly. What I can't appair to get correct is return types on the methods on my managed-bean which provided the available options and the handling o