I'm glad to know I'm not the only one running into this. I have yet to solve this. I had hoped that just putting a FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().responseComplete() right after my externalContext.redirect() call would solve the problem. But it looks like the NavigationHandler still tries to send its own redirect. I'm stumped at this point. It seems like the NavigationHandler should be checking to see if the responseComplete() method has been called but isn't.

Can any one help us out?


Johannes Hiemer wrote:

I found your posts regarding the above mentioned topic at the mail archive of 
the myfaces mailing list. I was sitting here the whole day long, spending about 
1 hour just to get the information, that my implementation (I had the same 
thoughts you had) doesn't work, because of the design.
What I wanted to ask was, did you manage it to solve the problem?
If you did, how did you manage it?

I would be very grateful, if you could provide some information to me.

Thanks in advance.

Johannes Hiemer
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