                P U S H E D      B A C K  ! 

The twelfth bird-of-feature Struts JSF London meet-up has been 
postponed for just eight days.

The event will now take place on Wednesday 28th September 2005,
at approximately 18:45. 

Same venue, same time. Bring a mate.

Thanks very much

Peter Pilgrim :: J2EE Software Development
Operations/IT - Credit Suisse First Boston, 
Floor 15, 5 Canada Square, London E14 4QJ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44-(0)207-883-4497

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pilgrim, Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 13 September 2005 17:11
> To: Struts User Apache (E-mail); MyFaces Discussion (E-mail)
> Subject: [ANN] [STRUTS/JSF] BOF XII / Belgo Central / Tuesday 
> 20th Sept
> 2005 / 18:45
> Greetings
> I am very pleased to announce that the ``Struts / JSF London Network''
> is meeting for the twelfth bird-of-feather discussions 
> This event will be taking place at the
> ``Belgo Central Restaurant'' at 6:45PM on Tuesday, 20th 
> September, 2005.
> 50 Earlham Street, 
> Covent Garden, 
> London, 
> United Kingdom
> WC2H 9HP
> Nearest Tube: Covent Garden
> Cuisine: Belgian
> Telephone: 020 7813 2233 
> For an ajax Google Map click here
> http://www.london-eating.co.uk/maps/248.asp
> For the more traditional street map try this
> http://www.streetmap.co.uk/newmap.srf?x=530189&y=181082&z=0&sv

(1) It's ok to bring a friend or colleague.
(2) My choice would have been china town.

Peter Pilgrim :: J2EE Software Development
Operations/IT - Credit Suisse First Boston, 
Floor 15, 5 Canada Square, London E14 4QJ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44-(0)207-883-4497

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