RE: [TOMAHAWK] inputSuggestAjax

2007-03-07 Thread Beelen, Marco
r time, Marco -Original Message- From: Gerald Müllan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: woensdag 7 maart 2007 16:51 To: MyFaces Discussion Subject: Re: [TOMAHAWK] inputSuggestAjax Which version of sandbox are you using? I wonder why the iframe should once be rendered underneath and once not. Bu

Re: [TOMAHAWK] inputSuggestAjax

2007-03-07 Thread Gerald Müllan
"with a lower z-index" ) With kind regards, Marco -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Volker Weber Sent: woensdag 7 maart 2007 16:12 To: MyFaces Discussion Subject: Re: [TOMAHAWK] inputSuggestAjax Hi Gerald, if i got him right,

RE: [TOMAHAWK] inputSuggestAjax

2007-03-07 Thread Beelen, Marco
SS "with a lower z-index" ) With kind regards, Marco -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Volker Weber Sent: woensdag 7 maart 2007 16:12 To: MyFaces Discussion Subject: Re: [TOMAHAWK] inputSuggestAjax Hi Gerald, if i got him right

Re: [TOMAHAWK] inputSuggestAjax

2007-03-07 Thread Volker Weber
Hi Gerald, if i got him right, the selection list renders in a layer under the selectBoxes at the second time. I would guess the iframe is missing, or whatever dojo does to hide this IE bug. Regards, Volker 2007/3/7, Gerald Müllan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Hi, if i got you correctly the same work

Re: [TOMAHAWK] inputSuggestAjax

2007-03-07 Thread Gerald Müllan
Hi, if i got you correctly the same works to me on: I step into the first suggest-input, highlight a value from the list and once it is highlighted i can tab out to the next input. If it works on this page, is must also work on any select