I went the route of using the selection event in adding the actions
facet as a partial target, but the selectionListener wasn't being called
as it had been in ADF Faces.  I immediately suspected a "false"
autoSubmit, added the attribute to set it to "true" and the selection
event was triggered, allowing my buttons to update.  Looks like
autoSubmit (or something of similar ends) was enabled in ADF Faces.  In
any case, handling of the table component seems more intuitive in
Trinidad.  Kudos!


Thanks for all of your help, Adam.







From: Adam Winer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 2:18 PM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: [Trinidad] Table and PPR of action components


This should work;  you should just be able to write:


  panelGroupLayout.setPartialTriggers(new String[]{"genTable});


... though this will, of course, redraw the buttons for every action 

on the table, not just selection.  If you just want selection, you'd

have to add a selectionListener and explicitly call



-- Adam


On 9/12/07, Bertrand, Shawn R < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote:

My table looks like this:


   <tr:table id="genTable"




             first="0" var="row" rowBandingInterval="1"


             emptyText="(no entries)">



In my backing bean, I call my CoreTable's setActions() with a
CorePanelGroupLayout component, and I add various CoreCommandButtons to
said component.  I'd like to, on the selection of rows, make the buttons
in the actions component update but I can't seem to make that happen.
This worked fine in ADF Faces when we had a CoreTableSelectOne to key
the partial update on.  One interesting note:  we have a poll on the
same page that, when it polls, updates those buttons without any
partialTriggers set for the actions component.


Thanks in advance,


Shawn Bertrand

Tyco Electronics Corporation



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