I have tested a converter with   <h:inputText> and works fine.  
When used with <h:selectOneMenu> it appears though that framework treats 
converter <f:convertDateTime>
as if it was an <f:selectItem> element.  At, least the "Value is not a valid 
option" error message is suggestive of this cause.
Is it possible that the syntax for using <f:convertDateTime>  is somewhat 
different from what we tried:
    <f:convertDateTime .../>
    <f:selectItem .../>
I do not see any reference manual example for the above combination.  All 
examples use input text fields.
I doubt that a converter could not be used with <h:selectOneMenu> but it might 
require a special syntax.
Anyone can point me out in the right direction?


From: Levin, Stan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2007 7:19 PM
To: 'users@myfaces.apache.org'
Cc: Leyzerzon, Simeon; Nanabolu, Bhvaharan
Subject: Date Converter problem with selectOneMenu after MyFaces1.1.5 upgr ade

We are using a dropdown menu control  populated with date values. For date 
conversion we are using a standard DateConverter.
Our code was working fine until we upgraded to MyFaces1.1.5 implementation.
Now we get this error:   " Value is not a valid option"
This is our code (was working before upgrade):
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{treeBacker.reportPeriod}"  id="report_period">

    <f:selectItem itemValue="Dec 01 2006" itemLabel="DEC 2006"/> 

    <f:selectItem itemValue="Nov 01 2006" itemLabel="NOV 2006"/> 

    <f:convertDateTime timeZone="#{treeBacker.timeZone}" pattern="MMM dd 

    <h:message for="report_period" style="color:red"/> 


Anybody has an idea what is wrong with the above code ?

Thank you,



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