I have a tree where I switch the model based on new searches. It seems eventually (almost intermittently) the tree gets out of whack with the underlying model and the expandAll, collapseAll stops working.



I have a workaround that works. Every new search, I kill the tree and create a new one.


Is there another way to notify a tree2 that a model changed so that expandAll, and collapseAll always works?


    private void loadQuickOrgData() {

                        List employees = myOrgDirectDataProducer.list();

                        buildEmployeeObjectHierarchy(employees, true);

                        myOrgTreeModel = (org.apache.myfaces.custom.tree2.TreeModel) tree2ModelBuilder.createTreeModelFromList(employees);

                        if (this.myOrgTreeComponent!=null){

                                    myOrgTreeComponent = new org.apache.myfaces.custom.tree2.HtmlTree();






My hack is this….


                        if (this.myOrgTreeComponent!=null){

                                    myOrgTreeComponent = new org.apache.myfaces.custom.tree2.HtmlTree();




The urgency is really low since I have a workaround.



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