I need to render some text containing links i a JSF component. I
cannot render a full commandLink element, since the data comes from a
content management system and the contract allows me to only modify
the href attribute of the anker element. The whole thing runs under
Liferay, a portlet container.

The solution I came up with is:
- declare a outputText element in the jsp and use its binding
attribute to create my own UIComponent.
- my UIComponent renders its children (getRendersChildren returns true)
- override encodeChildren and output the text while modifying the href
attribute of the href tokens.

I can click the link in the rendered page but the lifecycle gets
somehow distorted, because the viewrott is not restored properly, i.e.
The RestoreViewExecutor cannot restore the view. T
he result is that the lifecycle is interrupted and the request doesn't
get through to the "Invoke Application" phase.

Here is how I create the action link: ( the code is mostly copied from

    String viewId = "/article/article.jsp";
    if (PortletUtil.isRenderResponse(context)) {
      RenderResponse response =
      PortletURL url = response.createActionURL();
      url.setParameter(MyFacesGenericPortlet.VIEW_ID, viewId);
      url.setParameter(PARAM_ITEMID, hrefToken.getLinkData());
      url.setParameter(PARAM_ITEMTYPE, hrefToken.getLinkType().toString());
      return url.toString() + '#';

Is there a better way of generating an action url. This implementation
has a hard-coded navigation and is so ugly. There must be a better

Any ideas are much appreciated.


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