How can I set the value of a checkbox inside selectOneRadio to null or empty?


<t:selectOneRadio id="multiDraft" value="#{DynaAnnoControllerBean.multiAttributes['multiDraft']}"

                          style="width:auto;" layout="spread">

                        <f:selectItem itemLabel="yes" itemValue="bla1"/>

                        <f:selectItem itemLabel="no" itemValue="bla2"/>

                        <f:selectItem itemLabel="untouched" itemValue=""/>



            <t:radio for="" index="0"/>

            <t:radio for="" index="1"/>

            <t:radio for="" index="2"/>



I got the message "Value is not a valid option" when the 3rd option "untouched" is selected. How can I set this value to null / empty?

<f:selectItem itemLabel="" itemValue=""/> inside a selectOneMenu is working well.



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