rendered question - command link works then does not

2006-12-22 Thread support
I have a command link that is only rendered if a property is set in the back end bean. When I click the button it is supposed to add a row to a database. When the page is first rendered the [Add] button appears, I enter info into the inputText boxes and click [Add] and the information gets

Backend bean question

2006-12-22 Thread support
Is there a way, in the backend bean constructor to find out which commandlink was pressed by the user to make the call? I am having difficulty with using the same page for both Insert and Update on information contained in the database. The command link does not hit the action listener if

t:saveState problems (not working / have tried everything)

2007-01-11 Thread support
How would I know if my t:saveState is working or not (by looking at physical files)? I set STATE_SAVING_METHOD to client in my web.xml and supposed I would see something in the source html file. My saveState looked like this: t:saveState id=idSaveObject value=${object} I searched in the

t:saveState problems (not working / have tried everything)

2007-01-11 Thread support
I meant my saveState looked like this: t:saveState id=idSaveObject value=#{object} and not t:saveState id=idSaveObject value=${object} where object is a reference to a managed bean in faces-config..xml I am sure I have everything configured correctly but saveState does not seem to be

t:inputDate - using custom jpg for form button to popup date picker

2006-11-07 Thread support
When using t:inputDate a form button with value=... is displayed on the web page (form button with three periods). I have a requirement to replace these three periods with an image (jpg) but can not seem to figure out how to do this. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have


2006-11-15 Thread support
In the t:dataTable value=#{addressBB.states} var=state, what is the var attribute for? Also is it possible to use this tag to display a full table in text edit fields and display a submit button to updated the table on the backend? Any examples would be appreciated. The documentation and

rendered question (form)

2006-11-28 Thread support
I have an xhtml page that has 3 modes: 1. Display a table from an Oracle DB 2. Edit a row in the table when a hyperlink is clicked 3. Add a row when the add button is clicked For #2 (when edit button is clicked) the row is displayed in textInput areas and a Save button is provided.