On Sat, 28 Jul 2018, 12:27 stephen cumminger, <
stephen.cummin...@sonideft.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the idea Neil. I used InnoSetup years ago and it always worked
> well for me. I use Ant to build everything. I assume you would just build a
> zip distribution and then manually run InnoSetup? I did create a self
> extracting JRE bundle, but I can probably just use the zip'd version of
> that now in the setup. Any pointers would be helpful. Thanks.

Currently I'm doing it manually from the zip distribution after adding a
jdk subfolder with OpenJDK in it, and updating the conf jdkhome to point
there (no additional setup / extraction required). But I'm planning to add
it all into ant at some point soon now it's working. InnoSetup has a CLI
interface that can be called from ant - eg.
Obviously wine is required on Linux and macOS, but it can be called
directly on Windows. Have even seen a recipe for doing it on Travis.

Best wishes,



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