
There is a simple program which gives different results when I run it from the 
NetBeans IDE and outside IDE:

package derbytest4;

import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;

public class DerbyTest4 {
    public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
        println("Default locale = " + Locale.getDefault());
        Connection conn = 
        conn.prepareStatement("CREATE TABLE t (a INT, b INT)").execute();

        try {
        catch (Exception ex) {
    private static void println(String text) { System.out.println(text); }

Note: Derby DB of the latest version jars should be included to the project.

The result from NetBeans IDE is:
Default locale = en_US
08006.D : [0] memory:db

The result from outside IDE is (which is expected):
Default locale = en_US
Database 'memory:db' shutdown.

As I was hinted in the Apache Derby mailing lists, this behaviour of Apache DB 
message not being printed correctly is related to locale settings, although in 
both cases locale seems ok.

For the older projects, which I have imported from the previous machine, 
everything works as expected, problem is with new projects.

I'm using NetBeans 14 and 13. I believe it is related to some settings, 
although I wasn't able to find something by myself.

My environment:
Virtualization: oracle
Operating System: Linux Mint 19.3
Kernel: Linux 5.0.0-32-generic
Architecture: x86-64

openjdk version "17.0.5" 2022-10-18
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-17.0.5+8 (build 17.0.5+8)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Temurin-17.0.5+8 (build 17.0.5+8, mixed mode, sharing)


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